Building healthy and effective organisations.
We design and deliver training programmes that fit your organisation’s needs. From short, impactful workshops to rolling modular learning solutions, we tailor our training around four key development areas:
Personal skills training.
The key to workplace performance lies not just in job-related skills and knowledge, but also in emotional intelligence. In other words, it’s not just what you know that makes a difference, but how you go about things.
This ‘how’ comes down to our behaviour – and it is within our power to change. At work, we can’t necessarily affect the wider forces at play, but we can be choiceful and skilled in our response. Behaviour matters.
Increasing the personal skills of your workforce is a key contributor to your organisation’s health and effectiveness. And all workers at all levels play a part in this – from front-line customer service staff to technical experts, project managers to policymakers, and administration staff to operational specialists.
Personal skills, in general, can be taught through our programmes – or you may choose to focus on a particular area of need. Such as communication style – personal impact – presentation skills – influencing – stakeholder management – dealing with difference – managing conflict – assertiveness – resilience.
Whatever your personal skills development needs, you name it, we can pretty much train it.
This work is our bread and butter, and we love it. And, in turn, our clients love it too. They say our pragmatic, experiential approach and down-to-earth facilitators ensure our training is enjoyable and, importantly, makes a tangible difference.

These are exciting times – there’s never been such a strong focus on ‘growing your own’ to feed the talent pipeline. But it’s also a pretty tough environment for those starting their careers.
Expectations around return on investment (ROI) and workloads are high. And the workplace climate can be challenging, with many different generations working alongside each other.
Our programmes, therefore, focus on:
transitioning – helping people adapt from the academic world to that of work, to learn for themselves, stand on their own two feet and drive their own development.
behaviours – ‘how’ you go about things is just as important as ‘what’ you know, landing the message that emotional intelligence is essential for success.
We also help people work effectively within a multi-generational workforce, helping both young talent and their managers alike to dispel myths, understand difference and adapt, to meet different styles and approaches to work.
Our new talent training and development interventions are mostly large, multi-year modular programmes, but we’re also renowned for our stand-alone business-focused induction module that helps new-starters get under the skin of their organisation and showcase their talent.
We love working with new talent. In fact, we’ve won awards for it. We’ve been helping graduates, apprentices and school leavers hit the ground running at work for over 25 years.

Most people aren’t born leaders, they learn the skills and techniques to become one. The need for effective leadership in today’s complex, competitive and ever-changing working world is great. Long-term survival and the sustainability of organisations depends upon it.
From traditional to modern matrix structures, international to domestic, large to small, we help organisations to make:
technical specialists into people managers
managers into leaders
good leaders into great leaders
personal leadership an employee-wide skill
For some, this may involve becoming more skilled around resilience and managing change, for others it’s about driving visionary behaviours and big-picture thinking – there’s no one-stop shop to good leadership. But where there’s willingness to learn, there’s opportunity – and this is where we can help.

Given the challenges brought about by the Covid pandemic, teams have never been so important – but they’ve also never been put under so much pressure. Now is the time to develop your teams and the way they work, to bring real and lasting benefits for your business.
Teams that work well together drive performance and generate results. We work with departmental teams, cross-organisational teams, diverse stakeholder groups and pan-organisational collaboratives to focus on behaviours, practices and techniques that make for high-performing teams.
You can drive performance by investing in team development to:
bring together newly formed teams to build relationships
help long-standing teams tackle embedded ways of working
connect or re-connect people working in new, hybrid or dispersed ways
build feedback capability to enhance self and other understanding
work through conflict as a means of generating ideas and creative solutions