Time Management Questionnaire

Time Management Questionnaire

This questionnaire will show you what you need to focus on in terms of your approach to time management. It assesses the following aspects of time management: goal setting, prioritisation, scheduling, procrastination, and managing interruptions.

For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you. Answer the questions as you actually are, rather than how you think you should be, and don’t worry if some of the questions seem to score in the “wrong direction”.

Statement Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
The tasks I work on are the ones with the highest priority.
I find myself completing tasks at the last minute, or asking for extensions.
I set aside time for planning and scheduling.
I know how much time I spend on each of the various tasks I do.
I find myself dealing with interruptions.
I use goal setting to decide what tasks and activities I should work on.
I leave contingency time in my schedule to deal with “the unexpected”.
I know whether the tasks I am working on are high, medium or low value.
When I am given a new assignment, I analyse it for importance and prioritise it accordingly.
I am stressed about deadlines and commitments.
Distractions keep me from working on critical tasks.
I have to ‘take work home’ in order to get it done.
I prioritise my To-Do List.

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