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Employee wellbeing - is it an organisational issue?

Employee wellbeing is an organisational issue, not just an individual one.

Today’s blog is shared directly from Harvard Business Review

It popped into my inbox this morning and just really resonated with me as I’m sure it will with many. Six small habits to make positive changes in your day and to help with that work-life balance…

“Small habits make a big difference, if you practise them consistently” — Nataly Kogan - Keynote speaker on emotional fitness and leadership, best-selling author, founder of Happier Inc

Check in with yourself — How am I doing today? How am I feeling? Don’t judge your answers or immediately try to “fix” anything. Just become aware.

Take a few short, quality breaks — I love this one! The key word being ‘quality’. Do something that helps you disconnect from work, refuel, and recharge (not scrolling social media, reading the news, or ticking off an item on your to-do list!).

Practise acceptance of stressful circumstances — focus on what you can control. First, acknowledge the situation with clarity, focusing on the facts. Second, identify one action you could take to move forward with more comfort.

Make micro-connections with colleagues — make a point of greeting your colleagues with genuine enthusiasm when you’re on a call or when you see them for the first time during the day. Be intentional about this connection - to just check in (without focusing your conversation on work).

Be grateful — a daily gratitude practice can be as simple as writing down three things you appreciate every morning or in the evening. By practising gratitude, you ask your brain to broaden its perspective and focus its attention on things that are positive, meaningful, or comforting.

Recharge after work — It’s important to spend time doing things you love in your personal life. Invest in a hobby for example, or dedicate some time to reading or gardening, or trying a new creative activity. The key is to do something that fuels your energy and nurtures your non-work self.

You can read the full article here — 6 Science-Backed Ways to Improve Your Well-Being at Work

The list isn’t limited to these six but it’s a great, and helpful start. Maybe you have some of your own?