meet willow our therapy dog...

I’ve always been a cat person, at least that’s what I kept telling myself five years ago when, as a family, we were contemplating getting a dog to help our daughter who was really struggling at school. We had 3 cats already and I was not about to risk one of them moving out!

I won’t lie … it has been a roller coaster of a ride these last five years. The excitement of getting our puppy was very much overshadowed when 6 months in we needed to have one to one behavioural training just to get her to walk to the end of the road. Pulling on her lead, jumping up at people, lunging at other dogs, and one injured shoulder later, from a dog over 40 kg pulling constantly!  Let’s just say it has been a journey…

BUT – I can’t express just how proud I am now, of the hard work we put in as a family - working with Willow to achieve these amazing results. She is now a fully fledged Therapy Dog!

Spending time with animals can be great for mental health – she recently attended a University Mental Health day (knowing that this is a thing with events up and down the country was really useful to learn) - and there are more bookings to come!  She really looks like she’s found her calling, right??

Being part of the mental health day was the most wonderful 3 hours I think I have spent in a long time. Willow lies down and lets anyone and everyone pet her. We visited student accommodation in Bristol and groups of students lay down (literally) with her, stroking her tummy, ears, paws, tail. Just sitting in a room with our dog really enjoying the experience - the students physically & tangibly looking calmer and happier as they met and interacted with her - it was a truly remarkable experience.

For me, it was a time to stand back, reflect, and be truly proud of what can be achieved if we take some risks in life.

I reflect on what I’ve learnt - take a risk and say yes to something that can bring you and others wonderful experiences. Yes, bringing Willow into our lives helped our daughter but she also helped me, and now is helping so many more.

Wellbeing is high on the corporate agenda at the moment, with some staggering percentages of people in burnout. How often do we say yes to doing something different - to taking a risk? – a favourite quote from Stephen Covey:

“One thing’s for sure - if we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting. One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.”

I am still a cat person, but I’m now very much a dog person too!

What do you need to do differently to reap rewards for you and others?

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week soon - 15 - 21 May 2023. Watch this space and follow our LinkedIn page for more information on what we’re doing to support awareness.


The Power of Vulnerability.


Grief is just love with nowhere to go